Newcastle: 0800 009 6010
Portsmouth: 023 9212 0010 Plymouth: 01752 921 010
Sports Facility Cleaning
Our sports facility cleaning can include:
14-day anti-viral protection​
Steam Cleaning
Window Cleaning
Bathroom Cleaning
Kitchen Cleaning​
Changing Room Cleaning
Types of sports facilities we clean
Leisure centres​
Sports Centres​
Indoor Courts​
Swimming Pools​
Football Stadiums​
Sports Stadiums​
Sport Clubs
Cleaning frequency
Because of the pandemic and the need for spotless cleaning to assure your customers that every precaution is being taken to keep your facilities spotless we would recommend a minimum two hour session for every day the facility is used.
We offer a bespoke service list that suits the clients needs which can be reviewed at anytime.
Get in Touch
144 London Rd, North End, Portsmouth PO2 9DQ, UK
Portsmouth: 023 9212 0010 Plymouth: 01752 921 010