Newcastle: 0800 009 6010
Portsmouth: 023 9212 0010 Plymouth: 01752 921 010
New Build Development Cleaning
Our new build cleaning can include:
14-day anti-viral protection
Light Cleans
Sparkle Cleans​
Deep Cleans​
Show-home Cleans​
Marketing Suite Cleans​
Communal area cleans​
Window Cleaning​
Lift Cleaning​
Car park cleaning​
Jet washing​
Types of new builds we clean
Office Blocks​
Industrial Units​
Communal Areas​
Retail Units​
Office Units​
Cleaning frequency
Dependent on the condition of the property we offer two types of clean.
Show homes we normally clean on a weekly basis once a week which is classed as a light clean.
For cleans where the builders have completed each unit, we would recommend either a light or deep clean when the property is due for viewing. However, the client obviously can determine the
frequency of cleaning they require.
For pricing on new build developments please get in touch for a quote
Get in Touch
144 London Rd, North End, Portsmouth PO2 9DQ, UK
Portsmouth: 023 9212 0010 Plymouth: 01752 921 010